We offer forest management and logging services to New England landowners. Our woodland management tactics and income-producing strategies help landowners maximize their forestland investment and realize their aesthetic, environmental, and recreational goals.
Unlike consulting foresters, who come and go, Hull Forest Products is a permanent fixture in the forestry community, here for the next generation of ownership, too.
We are happy to show you our work on over 30,000 acres of New England forests since 1965. We have received the Aldo Leopold Award for our role in sustaining working woodlands in the Northeast.
We offer private woodland owners the same professional forest management knowledge and resources that we apply to our own forestland.
Our logging crews perform high quality, low impact work in the forest.
Our licensed professional forest managers can meet with you by phone or in person to discuss your goals and objectives.
Common goals include: periodic income, the growth of your timber portfolio, wildlife habitat improvement, recreational access, road maintenance, and scenic beauty. Together we draft a forest management plan built upon your goals, and then implement the plan to achieve the desired results.
We help you establish a strong bond with your land and can assist you as you plan ahead for the transition to the next generation of ownership
In nature, nothing goes to waste, and we practice this same philosophy throughout all aspects of our operations. We have a specific and complete use for every item we harvest from your forest. Logs too small for milling become firewood. Tops and branches are left to enrich the soil and provide cover for wildlife. Bark removed from logs at our mill is turned into mulch for landscaping, and the sawdust becomes bedding for animals as well as fuel for the biomass kilns that dry our lumber.
We turn local timber into locally grown forest products.
Hull Forest Products is a proud member of the Connecticut Grown program, which connects consumers with products that support local agriculture.
In nature, nothing goes to waste, and we practice this same philosophy throughout all aspects of our operation.
You can watch a video about our woodland management practices, below:

Learn more about the benefits of forest management.